Melissa's Blog
Achieve a healthy and balanced life with Melissa’s insightful, informative and practical ways to support your hormones.

PCOS: The 4 types & their underlying causes
We’re all different and special in our own unique way – including how our body feels, reacts to, and experiences things, including Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). Read more from a Perth Holistic Hormone Coach to discover the 4 types of PCOS.

What is PCOS? The Signs and the Symptoms
Did you know that Polycystic ovarian syndrome, AKA PCOS, is one of the most common hormonal conditions in the female population?
In fact, 1 in 10 women in Australia suffer from PCOS, so, if you’re one of them, take comfort in knowing that you’re certainly not alone and there is help for you to heal.
What is PCOS and what are the signs and symptoms to look out for?
As a Perth holistic hormone coach, I’m here to help. This help starts here with my latest blog.

Perimenopause: what is it and the signs to look out for
Perimenopause – what’s that? I thought only menopause was a ‘thing’ I had to endure. Actually, there’s four stages in a woman’s life: premenopause – which are when menstrual cycles are in full bloom, perimenopause, menopause and then post menopause.

Reiki and Your Hormones
Reiki is one of my favourite things to share with my clients. At its core, Reiki is a Japanese technique to promote deep relaxation and healing. Reiki (pronounced Ray-Key) literally means higher life-force energy. Everything, including our bodies, is made up of this energy.

My story and how I can help you!
I’m Melissa. I am a qualified Holistic Hormone Coach and a Reiki Master. I’m seizing this opportunity to properly introduce myself to you by providing a little more about me and my journey to becoming a Holistic Hormone Coach.