What is PCOS? The Signs and the Symptoms

Did you know that Polycystic ovarian syndrome, AKA PCOS, is one of the most common hormonal conditions in the female population?

In fact, 1 in 10 women in Australia suffer from PCOS, so, if you’re one of them, take comfort in knowing that you’re certainly not alone and there is help for you to heal.

What is PCOS and what are the signs and symptoms to look out for?

As a Perth holistic hormone coach, I’m here to help. This help starts here with my latest blog.

Keep reading to find out more.

What is PCOS?

PCOS is a common hormonal condition causing enlarged ovaries with multiple small cysts on the outer edges - hence the name: ‘polycystic’ or ‘many cysts’.

The hormonal imbalance creates problems in the ovaries. The ovaries make the egg that is released each month as part of a healthy menstrual cycle. With PCOS, the egg may not develop as it should or it may not be released during ovulation as it should be.

This affects the fertility of women, causing irregular periods by obstructing ovulation.

What are the symptoms of PCOS?

Women with PCOS have a lot of things happening in their body.

For me personally, my weight was all over the place, I had adrenal fatigue and was feeling anxious and depressed, with associated low self-esteem. On top of all this, I experienced mood swings and irregular cycles and even went 6 months without a period – all of which I was able heal from.

The fact is, the symptoms and severity will vary from woman to woman, but if you’re experiencing any of the following, it could be an indication you have PCOS:

·         Irregular periods or cycles that are consistently longer than 35 days

·         Not ovulating

·         Infertility

·         Multiple follicles on your ovaries (detected via ultrasound)

·         Insulin resistance or imbalanced blood sugar levels

Other more visible symptoms are:

·         Acne, particularly around the jawline, chin and check, and upper back

·         Unwanted hair growth (on your chin, upper lip, chest and around nipples)

·         Hair loss or thinning on your head

·         Weight gain and/or difficulty losing weight

Polycystic ovarian syndrome can also affect how you’re feeling:

·         Anxious

·         Depressed

·         Mood swings

·         Fatigue

·         Low libido

·         Cravings

Often, PCOS is associated with other conditions which include:

·         Irregular menstrual cycle

·         Weight gain

·         Obesity

·         Environmental toxins

·         Hirsutism (excess hair growth)

·         Thyroid dysfunction

·         Insulin resistance

·         Zinc deficiency

·         Vitamin D deficiency

·         Undereating

·         Fatigue

Phew! That’s a lot of information, right?

I’ve had a lot of women tell me they feel so overwhelmed by all the information (or misinformation) out there and not surprisingly, they don’t know where to start. I hear you sister!

In these cases, a great first step towards clarity and control over your PCOS is to find and address the underlying causes for your own personal situation.

“How do I do that?” You ask. Don’t worry, you’ve come to the right place and I’m here to help.

Contact me to take this step of clarity in your healing journey.

Ready to heal your PCOS?

Finding personalised information and help online is pretty much impossible, but you don’t need to struggle like I did and you don’t need to go through your healing journey alone.

I’m dedicated to being your holistic health advocate, right here by your side.

My unique approach uncovers the causes underlying your body’s PCOS and helps you understand your own body and its hormones. I will also support you in building a sustainable lifestyle so you can not only survive, but thrive!

Together, we’ll balance your hormones and balance your life.

Contact me today to get started.


PCOS: The 4 types & their underlying causes


Perimenopause: what is it and the signs to look out for